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16.10.20, 16:43
Abraham lived in Hebron 4,000 years ago. Today the Abraham Accords are forging peace among his descendants.
26.8.20, 21:48
There is something special in Hebron that can bridge the divide. The Tomb of the Patriarchs is revered by Abraham's children.
20.7.20, 15:35
Hebron spokesman Yishai Fleisher presents three plans that are better than Beinart's bi-national state idea.
26.4.20, 14:37
Let us cast off the contrived U.N. narrative in which Israel was born into the inevitability of two states on this year's Independence Day.
31.3.20, 20:28
The coronavirus crisis has reminded us that we are small, that our knowledge is limited, and that we are not the masters of this world.
18.2.20, 17:57
Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan: Hebron Spokesman ‘Cautiously Optimistic.' Yishai Fleisher finds hope in improved relations between Arabs and Jews.
13.2.20, 22:38
Europe today is post-God, post-nationalism, post-family and post-Holocaust—and is therefore understandably at odds with the very concept of Israel.
23.1.20, 21:57
It’s time for Israel to reverse the misguided Dayan doctrine and send a clear message that Palestinian “liberation” of the Temple Mount and the Tomb of the Patriarchs will utterly fail.
8.7.19, 20:54
Israel has been victorious and Arab nations are begrudgingly shifting to “if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.” Iran's threat is also a factor in increased normalization with the Jewish state.
14.6.19, 10:35
This is not your grandfather's Hebron. The new generation rejects a two-state-solution and accepts that the settlers are here to stay.